
RichRuff Training Exercise of the Week: Val Slide Reverse Lunge

Have you seen the Val Slide? It's basically a portable slide board and a pretty simple training tool. And simple works for me. This simple piece of training equipment can be used for a number of upper body, lower body and core training exercises. This week's exercise, the Val Slide Reverse Lunge, is a single leg, lower body exercise. It's an exercise that should be used as you progress to forward lunges and variations (Forward lunges are an exercise that should be worked up to, not started with. That is another entire post).
To perform the Val Slide reverse Lunge:
  1. Start in an upright position, with one foot resting on a Val Slide.
  2. Slide the Val Slide back, allowing your supporting or front leg to bend and dropping your hips down toward the floor.
  3. Return to the starting position by sliding the back foot forward.
Simple, but effective. For more information on the Val Slide click on the image below.

Or for more great training tools, visit

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