Up to this point you’ve been given a number of strategies to aid with your transformation. All of these strategies are designed to work successfully for you. But they will not work successfully if your are not compliant with these strategies. Fifty percent compliance is not going to get it done. And 70% percent compliance may not get it done either. What you should be aiming for is 80-90% compliance with each of these strategies.
How do you know if you are being compliant 80-90% of the time? It’s time to start tracking each meal or snack. Meals and snacks that are compliant adhere to the following rules:
- There is a source of protein.
- There is a fruit or vegetable source.
- There are no starchy carbs unless it’s at breakfast or post-workout.
- There are no calorie containing beverages.
Let’s say you have eaten five times over the course of a given day. You are shooting to be compliant at least four of those times. On the bigger picture, let’s say you have had 40 meals or snacks over the course of a week. You should be aiming to hit on 32 of those to be at 80% of compliance. The fewer the misses, the better the results.
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