
Exercise of the Week: Half Kneeling Landmine Twist

I've shown a few different Landmine exercises recently, but what I haven't done is explain to you what exactly the Landmine is.  The Landmine is a piece of equipment that can be used for rotary or single limb training.  Here's a picture:

It's a nice piece of equipment that will run you close to $300.  If you don't feel like shelling out $300 for this bad boy you have another alternative where you can just about do the same exercises as you can with the Landmine.  The solution?  Wedge one end of a barbell in a corner.  A pretty simple and cost free alternative, right?

Now that we know what the Landmine is here's another exercise that can be used, the Half Kneeling Landmine Twist.  As with other core exercises I like to use a from the ground up progression meaning the first progression is in a tall kneeling or half kneeling position.  From there we will move to a standing position. Then from the standing position you can move to a split stance or single leg stance. Here in the half kneeling position the focus should be on two things: contracting the glute on the downside leg and keeping the knee of the upside leg straight ahead the whole time.  Doing these two things will re-enforce hip stability as the core is trained through a rotational pattern.  Take a look:

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