- Gym Boss Interval Timer. Use the gym boss to time up your rest periods between sets of strength exercises. Or use the Gym Boss for your interval training or timed circuit circuit training. When it comes to your intervals you set up the length of your work period, your rest period and the number of intervals you plan on doing.
- TRX Suspension Trainer. If there was one piece of home training equipment I would suggest, it would be the TRX. Having a TRX around will give you over 70 different exercises to do. It is also portable so you can take it to the gym, take it on the road if you're traveling or take it down to the park if you're looking to do some training outside of the house. Yes, there are other suspension trainers on the market and I've used a few of them. I belive the TRX is the best one out there.

- A membership to Strengthcoach.com. For $9.95/month you get access to one of the best training resources on the Internet. You will have access to podcasts, videos, articles by some of the brightest minds in the strength and conditioning field and different forums to ask questions or take part in. The content applies to all individuals whether you're new to this whole fitness thing or maybe you already know a thing or two and want to have more knowledge than those knuckleheads relying on Muscle & Fitness for their latest training information.
- Valslides. Along the same lines as the TRX, having a pair of Valslides around will enable you to do more exercises than you thought were imaginable. And the portability is nice also.
- Never Let Go. A no nonsense training book by Dan John. Dan John breaks it down for you pretty simple, but simple in ways you may have never thought of. It's not only his training ideas though that make this book a good read. It's really about the lessons about life that come from his training that will make you a fan of his work and his teachings.
- Food Rules. Another book, one that might make a good stocking stuffer. This one is written by Michael Pollan the author of The Omnivore's Dilemma. Pollan breaks down nutritional strategies pretty simply. No micronutrient ratios or calorie counting. Just ways to look at what's on your plate or what you're about to scarf down. It doesn't get any simpler than "Eat foood. Mostly plants. Not too much."
- The Precision Nutrition System. I will not go as far as saying that you can not out train a bad diet, but I will say it's very difficult. So if you or someone you know is looking to lean out after an over consumption of eggnog, you have to get your nutrition in check. In my opinion, the best nutrition product out on the market for any individual is the Precision Nutrition System. The Precision Nutrition System provides you with 10 guidebooks, the Gourmet Nutrition volume 1 cookbook, and a full membership to the PN Member Zone, where you’ll find and online library and the 24/7 private support forums. Not a bad deal, for a not so bad price.
- A Gift Certificate to Accelerated Fitness. Yes, this is a bit of self promotion. And you know what? I don't care, because I know whoever you give that gift certificate to is really going to appreciate it. During the month of December, purchase a gift certificate for any amount for any service at Accelerated Fitness for 25% off. These type of deals not come around often.... actually never.
Happy holidays and happy shopping.
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