
Random Thoughts...

....that have come up during the holiday season.
  • In my opinion, good nutrition seems to be a lot of common sense. Most of know what foods are good for us and what foods are not. Or most of us know that having smaller portions is better than performing an act of gluttony. Or we know that the key to starting off a good nutritional day day is eating breakfast. Or having one wine glass of wine a night isn't bad, but downing a bottle every other night isn't so great. It's just a matter of applying this common sense. You know it. Just start practicing it.
  • I was talking to an ultrasound tech the other day and she told me she just had to get a new table for holiding patients because the old one was about to go. The old one had a weight capacity of 300lbs, but it seemed to be an issue of late. The new table has a weight capacity of 5oo lbs!! How sad is that? Reminds me of a quote form the movie Jaws, "We need a bigger boat."
  • Why do people think running is the way to losing weight? Yes, it might help. But it's definitely not the only answer. Actually, it might be if these same people were actually running and not jogging or what I like to call speed shuffling. One only needs to go to the finish line of any major marathon and watch how many overweight, out of shape looking people cross the finish line. I'm not talking about the elite runners or the runners in the three hour range. I'm talking about the 9 minute and above milers "jogging" in the 4-5 hour range. They train from any where from 6-12 months a year, running anywhere from 30-5o miles a week and do not lose a pound while doing so. I've actually talked to a few friends who have put on a few pounds while training for the marathon. I think you can find a more efficient way to lose weight. Diet and strength training...hint, hint.
  • The theory of dropping some weight or body fat after the holidays drives me crazy. People just take for granted that no matter what that they're going to put on some weight from Thanksgiving to New Years and do not give any thought to good nutrition or regular exercise during that time period. So what if your pre- Thanksgiving weight was 150lbs and you put on 5lbs during the holidays. Now you've just made your New Years resolution 5lbs harder. You're already putting yourself behind the eight ball. A more logical way would be to try and maintain that Thanksgiving weight and then lose that desired weight or body fat once the New Year kicks up.
  • Not to brag, but for the last two years I've dropped weight each time between Thanksgiving and New Years. I'll lose anywhere from 5-8 lbs. I just know there has to be more of an attention to good nutrition since there are so many parties and meals out there ready to sabotage you. The bad thing is I usually put on this weight back during the summer months. I actually wish it was the other way around.
  • If you've got some last minute shopping to do, here are great gifts you can get for any fitness enthusiast without breaking the bank: Valslides, a TRX, a foam roller, may be an X-Vest, an ab wheel, Superbands or some Powerblocks. Just another random thought.
  • The Patriots looked bad for the third weekend in a row. Don't get your hopes up to high for a long playoff run, unless the offense somehow figures it out and starts putting up 30-40 points a game. I think that's asking for a bit too much, even around Christmas time.
Happy Holidays everyone.

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