
Exercise of the Week: Val Slide Leg Curl w/Isometric Glute Bridge

Val Slide leg curls alone are a great exercise to work the posterior chain, particularly the hamstrings.  The problem with them is that once people get stronger with them and are able to do anywhere between 12-15 reps per set they do not think about progressing them.  They just keep plugging away at the standard Val Slide leg curl.

Well there are ways to progress them.  You can use added resistance by placing a weight on top of the slides.  You can add resistance by placing your heels inside one end of a band and having a partner anchor the other end of the band.  You can progress them them by going to single leg curls or eccentric single leg leg curls.  Or here is another way to progress them that I saw done by strength coach Ben Bruno.  All you are going to do is perform an isometric barbell bridge while performing the leg curl action.  Your hamstrings will be working overtime here as you use them to keep your hips up against the added resistance while flexing the knees.  In fact my hamstrings were working so hard the first time I did these that I went into full on hamstring cramp mode.  And that was only with a bar weight of 65 pounds.  Take a look.


Exercise of the Week: Bottoms Up Kettlebell Press

For all you guys who brag about your "gym numbers" here's an exercise that will put your ego in check.  When performing a press with a kettlebell in the bottoms up position you are going to have to significantly reduce the load compared to the load used when pressing a dumbbell overhead.  The bottoms up position is going to require a good deal of grip strength and shoulder stabilization.  Plus, with the off set load you are also challenging core stabilization.


The Truth

We have all been there.  Sometimes we hear what we want to hear.  We do not want to be told the truth.  Or we do not want to tell someone else the truth because we are afraid how they will react.  Or maybe we will hurt their feelings.  Even when we are told the truth we ignore it.  Or we just deny the truth and do not acknowledge that the truth is right  It happens to us in all parts of life and in particularly it seems to happen a lot when we are talking about health and fitness.  Well, I am going to tell you the truth.  And if I hurt your feelings, I am sorry.  Actually, you know what?  I am not sorry because I am trying to help you out here.  So let's let the truth be told.

  • Fellas, if you can not do one chin up or pull up you are either too fat or too weak.  Or worse case scenario, you are both fat and weak.
  • You do not need to eat bread.  Yes, you can survive without it.  Bread is an option with your meals.  It is not a must have.
  • All the ab exercises in the world will not not give you that "six pack" look if you are walking around with a high body fat percentage.   If you want visible abs you are going to have to drop your body fat percentage which will be a function of your entire training program, your nutrition and your lifestyle.  It is not a function of how many hundreds of crunches or sit ups you are doing.
  • It takes a lot more than using fifteen pound dumbbells to "bulk up".
  • You are not not doing enough foam rolling and mobility work.  I know it.  And if you are doing it you are not putting enough effort into it or are rushing through it.
  • Alcohol will not help you lose weight.  I have never seen a diet that included alcohol as a staple of the diet.  But I have seen a lot of diets that suggest eliminating alchohol.  And if you want to lose weight, but do not want to give up alchohol that says something about your desire to really lose weight.
  • Just going to the gym is not enough.  Anyone can go to the gym.  It's what you do while you are at the gym that matters.  You will get of it what you put into it.
  • Most people do not know what working out hard really is.  Most people do not know what hunger really is.
  • You do not need to snack.  You do not need cheat days.  
  • There is nothing comfortable about weight loss or fat loss.  You are going to have to get out of your comfort zone if you want to do either.  
  • You are probably not eating enough protein.  You are probably not eating enough fruits and vegetables.  You are probably eating too many carbs.
  • Most of your weight loss is going to come from your nutritional habits.  You can can not out train a lousy diet.
  • There is nothing healthy about orange juice, apple juice, grape juice or any other juice.
  • There are 168 hours in a week.  If you want to lose weight you need to exercise 3-5 hours a week.  That's 2-3% of your week.  If losing weight is important enough to you you will find that 2-3%.
  • There is nothing healthy about whole wheat or whole grains or mutli-grains or whatever other way companies want to disguise bread as being healthy.  Are they healthier than white bread? Sure.  But isn't smoking one pack a day healthier than smoking two packs a day?
  • Jogging sucks.  It will not help you lose weight, but it will help you get hurt.  It will also help keep physical therapists in business.
  • If you are overweight and your knees or lower back are hurting you it's not the knees or lower back that is the problem.  It is being overweight that is the problem.
Can you handle the truth?