
Random Thoughts...

.....as I sit here downing some turkey meatballs.
  • I had two parents in the last week ask me to write up a training program to get their 11 year old's ready for a 5k. Sorry, not going to happen. If an 11 year old wants to go and run 5k fine. Let them run where ever whenever. But in my mind to put them on a distance training program is a recipe for disaster. At that age, these kids are right in the middle of their athletic development. At this time they should be sprinting, moving in different directions, jumping, etc. unless I wanted to turn them into a crappy athlete. Then I would suggest they do some distance training
  • It's funny to hear what people think their actual "core" is. Some will point to their abdominal area. Some will point to their abdominal and low back area. In actuality your core is really more than that. I heard strength coach Nick Tuminello give a good definition of what your core really is. Take away your limbs. What's left is your core.
  • Now that you know what your core really is, do you know what the function of your core is? If you're the Situation, I guess it's function is to pick up chicks.
But if you're anyone besides The Situation or anyone who roams the Jersey Shore, the actual role of your core is stabilization. It's real functions are: anti-rotation, anti-flexion, and anti-extension. Is your core training program factoring in these functions?
  • By the way, next time you tell me you want to work your core, we're not going to do it until you can tell me what the core's role really is.
  • It's pumpkin season, so I thought I'd try some canned pumpkin in my yogurts, shakes, and cottage cheese blends. I read about how it was high in carotenoids, didn't have too high of a glycemic load and contained a good amount of fiber. I tried it for a week, that was it. I do not know if I'm going back. I know some tastes have to be acquired, but I do not think that is a taste I will ever acquire. Pumpkin pie, pumpkin beer, pumpkin coffee...different stories.
  • Are your actions matching up with your goals? If your goal is to lose 5-10lbs and cutting calories and doing low intensity aerobic training is not getting it done, why are you continuing to do it? From Albert Einstein, who i think was a pretty bright guy, comes the definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
  • Two buzz words that drive me crazy: "cardio" and "functional". Thrown around loosely with having any thought of what they actually are.
  • One final thought. It has to do with that Thanksgiving dinner you're about to woof down. Sitting around the dinner table I'm sure you're going to hear someone mention how tryptophan from the turkey makes people drowsy. Turns out the tryptophan might not be the real culprit. The real culprit might be all those other blood sugar surging, insulin jacking foods. The mashed potatoes, the rolls, more potatoes, the corn, and so on. Combine those with your three plates of turkey and a slice of every pie on the table and of course there is no way you're going to make it through the Patriots game with your eyes open. But, if you back off on those foods, load up on some greens and eat a modest amount of turkey you might have a better chance.

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