
Damage Control

Let's say you've been working out and eating pretty well on a consistent basis. Maybe you've been doing so because you have that one week of vacation coming up and you want to feel and look your best on your vacation. You want to feel good about yourself on the beach or hanging by the pool. Or maybe you're training for an event that's going to take place a few weeks after your vacation and you're afraid this vacation is going to set you back big time. That week of vacation could be the first week of the summer. Putting on five or so pounds during the first week of summer I do not think ever made anyone feel good.

So that week of vacation rolls around and what are you to do? You can try to keep things under control by eating somewhat right and getting some type of exercise in. Or you can just say, "Where's the food....and the beer?" Then you go ahead and consume nothing but beers, pina colada's and fried foods with the only exercise coming from dragging your beach chair through the sand.

So what are you going to do? Some people will say that there is no way to keep up with your at home routine while on vacation. There are too many temptations and who wants to exercise on vacation anyway? That's fine. But how are you going to feel about yourself when you come back from vacation and hop on that scale for the first time? Or you can be the other type of person who knows they may not keep up with their existing routine, but they can do some damage control while they are away. And it really isn't that hard if you do a few of the following things:

  1. Pack some protein. It really isn't that hard to travel with some protein. Meal replacement powders will hardly take up any space in your luggage. And last time I checked it isn't illegal to cross the border with some protein powder. When you're away and feeling hungry or in danger of skipping a meal it's easy to mix up a shake in a blender bottle or use the actual blender for something other than alcholic beverages.

  2. Don't skip breakfast. You're on vacation. You probably have plenty of time over the course of the day unless you're traveling with the ultimate tourist who does have you scheduled for everything. You have time for breakfast. You probably get up whenever you want. You might even be able to eat what ever you want. Find a protein source and a fruit or vegetable source and you're good to go. Just like at home breakfast sets the tone for your eating habits the rest of the day.

  3. Do something you normally wouldn't do. You don't have to follow the same exercise routine that you're doing at home in order for it to count as exercise. You could do a body weight circuit. You could go mountain biking. You could go for a long hike. Just from a mental standpoint it's going to be a bit refreshing. Get out of your comfort zone a bit and do something. All exercise doesn't have to be sets and reps.

  4. Pack for exercise. You do not need a ton of equipment to get a quality workout in. As I just mentioned you may not even need any if you just want to do some body weight training. If you would like to spice up that body weight training a few things that are easy enough to pack are: Valslides, Superbands , a jump rope and even a TRX. That stuff could pack in any bag or suitcase. Or if you're traveling by car you could even bring along a kettlebell or medicine ball. I'm guessing you could probably get a better workout in with that stuff than you could with some of the outdated equipment you will find at a lot of hotel gyms.

  5. Be Menu Smart. I hear people blaming eating out frequently for all their weight loss troubles. And the tendency to eat out is probably going to be greater when on vacation. Sorry, I don't buy that excuse. Most menu's have something fairly decent you can eat. You usually have a bunch of options. You don't have to go with the creamy salad dressings, fried appetizers or piles of mashed potatoes that come with your meals. Ask for some extra veggies instead of the fries. Can't get the veggies? Then just pass on the fries. And I think most menus do not consist entirely of pizza and fried foods. Look for something grilled or broiled and some greens. It's not the menu that's usually the problem. It's your decision making that's the problem.

I know. You're hating me right now. I'm coming off as the fun police. I'm not saying you can't have fun on vacation. Just saying that if you're worried about packing on that "vacation five" that you can do something about it.

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