

....from articles I've read over the last few weeks that really stood out to me.  Some have have to do with training and nutrition.  Some have to do with life in general
  • "If you want that toned (there I said it), athletic look, you need to drop the pink dumbbells and Zumba class, and lift real weights." - Tony Gentilcore
  • "Functional training has nothing to do with what the exercise looks like, nor does it have to do with the type of equipment you're using – functional training is all about  into your training goal(s)!  Put simply, if the exercise transfers positively into the target sport, activity or physique goal you're training for, it's functional!" - Nick Tuminello
  • "Real fitness is not about six pack abs or boulder shoulders, it is about a better quality of life.  Oh sure, getting shredded is a result of a good program and a good diet, but moving better, feeling better, and getting more confidence is  'Real' fitness. " - Jim Smith
  • I"f you can’t fight, you better be able to run. Sprinting makes you better at sports, leaner, and will make girls like you." - Max Shank
  • "How you eat is how you’ll feel. So if you eat dairy, gluten and sugar every day you’ll look like crap all the time. But if you eat foods like grass fed beef, cage free eggs, berries, greens, Jasmine rice, sweet potatoes and pumpkin every day you’ll feel and look incredible." - Jason Ferrugia
  • "Try everything.  Try every training program and every diet.  But when you try them, go full out and commit for the total length.  Program hopping isn't a good idea.  A complete lack of direction is almost as a bad as pure dogma." - John Romaniello
  • "You never know what kind of impact you can have on someone by just saying hello" - Manti Te'O, Notre Dame linebacker.
  • "Take a step back, and simplify as much as possible — that’s the first thing you must do. Follow a few basic strength training and nutrition principles and let the other details sort themselves out. " - Nia Shanks
  • "Stop trying to take the easy way out and put your head down and start grinding.  When things get tough, get tougher." - Jim Smith
  • "There's no such thing as a short path to greatness so enjoy the long haul" - Alan Aragon
  • "Some day you will look back fondly and realize that being a good person and a good role model counted for much more than you ever thought. Every day you go to work remind yourself that you have the ability to change lives." - Mike Boyle

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