
Exercise of the Week: Deadbug w/Wall Press

The deadbug with wall Press, also known as the Kolar Deadbug, doesn't look like much of an exercise, but it is a great exercise to use to train the anti-extension function of the core.

You're just going to set up in a supine position just off a wall. Next bring your feet off the floor so that your hips and knees are bent at 90 degrees.  In this position your lower back should  flatten out.  Reach your arms overhead and press into the wall as hard as you can like you are trying to push yourself away from the wall.  This is your starting position.  From the starting position you are going to extend one leg out while maintaining that flat back position and actively pushing into the wall throughout the entire set.  Return your leg to the starting position and repeat on the other side.  Perform 6-10 reps with each leg.

This exercise can be used as part of your warm up, as part of your core work are as a filler between sets of another exercise.

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