
Exercise of the Week: Single Arm DB Floor Press

Floor presses are a nice exercise to add into your training program as an alternative for some horizontal pressing work, an alternative for some triceps work or if coming back from a shoulder injury.  The shortened range of motion is going to cause less stress on the shoulder and place more emphasis on the triceps.  You could perform barbell floor presses, dumbbell floor presses or even kettlebell floor presses.    But why would I perform single arm floor presses?  Two reasons.  One is the offset loading that is going to require more core stability demands especially when the weight is cranked up.  The second reason has to do with the weight being cranked up.  Getting into and out of position when weight starts going up with a bi-lateral dumbbell floor press can be pretty difficult.  I find it much easier to get into and out of the position with the single arm version once the weight in each arm starts going up.  You are able to use your free arm to get into and out of the racked position almost like you would if you were doing a Turkish Get Up.

One more thing....have a happy and healthy new year.  Make 2014 your year!!

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