
Single Leg Bench Bridge Progression

One of the best glute exercises, yet one of the toughest glutes exercises, is the single leg bench bridge.  Since it can be a tough exercise this is not an exercise I would throw at a client right away. This is an exercise we would progress up to and the progression to follow is pretty simple: bench bridge hold to  bench bridge to single leg bench bridge.

Here's a six week progression to get you up to the single leg bench bridge:
  • Week One: Bench Bridge Hold 2-3 sets of 30s
  • Week Two: Bench Bridge Hold 2-3 sets of 45s
  • Week Three: Bench Bridge Hold 2-3 sets of 60s
  • Week Four: Bench Bridge 3 sets of 12 reps
  • Week Five: Bench Bridge 3 sets of 15 reps
  • Week Six: Bench Bridge 3 sets of 20 reps
Now you're ready for the single leg bench bridge.  Start out with 8-10 reps per side.  Once you can complete about 12-15 reps per side then we can start having a bit more "fun" by adding some resistance  or going to a foot elevated version.

Alright, time to put those glutes to work.

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