
In-home Workouts

Yes, it's nice to be able to go to the gym and get a good workout in. It's good to get out of the house. It's nice to socialize with others. There's plenty of equipment to use there which enables a variety of exercise routines. But sometimes it just doesn't workout as planned. The kids are home sick. Or maybe you're waiting around for the HVAC guy to come and fix you central AC that you just can't do without. For what ever reason you get stuck at home.
The inclination most people make when they can't get to the gym is: no gym, no workout today. Why? You don't have any equipment at home, so you possibly can not get anything done worthwhile. Wrong!! You do not need equipment. All you need is to get your own body moving. Doing a bodyweight routine alone is enough for any individual. The following is an example routine that can be done anywhere and one that is challenging for any level of fitness.

T Push-ups (right arm up) x10-12
Alternating Forward Lunge x12-15 each leg
T Push-ups (left arm up) x10-12
Sprinter Sit-up x8-10 each side
Prone Plank 45-60sec
*Rest 10sec between each exercise; after prone plank, rest 60sec and repeat sequence 4-5 x.

That's it. Simple, yet effective. Give it a try next time you're not able to get out the front door.

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