
Roll, Roll, Roll

What's the typical massage cost? Probably anywhere from $75-$100, right? And if you're going to get a massage on a regular basis, you're looking at a pretty good expense. I know my pockets are not that deep. But what if I told you that you can get the close to the same benefits as a deep tissue massage for only $20? And you don't have to make an appointment. You'd be able to do it any time of the day. What's this $20 cure? A foam roller.
Even though the foam roller has been around for awhile now, I still do not think people understand it's importance. Basically, muscles have two properties that are related to their functionality: the length and the quality of the tissue. The length of a muscle is addressed through stretching techniques. But what about it's quality? If there are trigger points, adhesions or scar tissue build up the muscle is going to have poor quality. Not only will it have poor quality, but the quality of the tissue is also going to affect it's length. Poor quality + Poor length= trouble. And as I said before, you don't have to run out to Mr. Feelgood in order to get those knots worked out. Instead pull out that $20 foam roller out from under the bed and get rolling. You will immediately see the benefits.
For a great selection of foam rollers go to PerformBetter.com and get your $20 cure to all those aches and pains.

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