
RichRuff Training Exercise of the Week: DB Romanian Deadlift

This week's exercise of the week targets the posterior chain (the hamstrings, glutes, and lower back). Training the posterior chain is important to any individual, whether they are an athlete or an out of shape office worker.

The execution of this exercise is vital, so a couple of key points.
  1. Maintain a neutral spine throughout the movement.
  2. Keep a slight flex in the knees throughout the movement . The days of the old stiff-legged deadlift are over.
  3. Keep the weight close to your legs on the way down.
  4. As you lower to the floor all the weight should go back on your heels. You should almost feel like you're going to fall backwards.
  5. The weight does not have to touch the floor. I'd suggest going to the point where your spine is about parallel to the floor.
  6. On the way up, think about pushing your hips forward. In the top position, squeeze those glutes.
  7. Do not hyperextend in the finish position. This creates too much pressure on your lumbar spine.
Go Patriots!!

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