
RichRuff Training Exercise of the Week: DB Floor Press

I feel the dumbbell floor press is effective in three situations :
  1. When coming off a shoulder injury, I'll use it early on in the progression back to full range of motion pressing exercises. And to make it even less stressful on the shoulders, use a neutral grip.
  2. For triceps work. It's less stressful on the elbows than extensions and the triceps responds better to heavier loads. No pink dumbbells will be used here.
  3. If someone is having a tough time locking out the top half of a bench press.
The exercise is pretty straight forward. Just perform a dumbbell bench press from the floor, lowering the dumbbells until your elbows come in contact with the floor. In order to make this exercise really effective, take a 1-2 second pause when your elbows touch the floor. But do not relax the triceps in this position. Try to keep tension in that bottom position and then return to the starting position by extending your elbows.

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