
Simple Programming

Too many people think they're advanced lifters. Too many people think they need to follow the latest and greatest training routine. But that mentality and approach doesn't seem to be working, does it? Take a look around the gym. How many people are getting results? How many people are getting stronger and leaner? Not many. Why? Because they're programming stinks. If they just took a simpler approach and increased their efforts, I'm sure the results would be better. If they forgot about whether they should be pointing their toes in or out when doing calf raises and instead did some single leg work, their results would be better. If they stopped worried about which head of the biceps they're targeting and did a couple sets of chin ups, they're results would be better.

So what does an effective training program consist of? Without knowing anything about the individual here are some movement patterns I would consider to part of their training routine:
  • Horizontal push and pull
  • Vertical push and pull
  • Squat or deadlift based movement
  • Single leg work
  • Posterior chain work
  • Core stabilization
  • "Weak link" work: rotator cuff, scapular stabilization, grip, etc.
Just choose an exercise that fits into each of these movement patterns and BAM!! There you go, an effective training program. In the next few posts I'll follow up with what I would envision a simple, but effective body comp program would look like.

Train hard, but train smart.

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