
TPI Certified

Just a couple of weeks back I became certified by the Titleist Performance Institute as a Level One Certified Golf Fitness Instructor. What does this mean besides adding another couple of initials next to my name? It means I can help you break 90!!. Kidding. What it does mean, is that I have the basic knowledge to screen you and find out what physical limitations may be messing up your swing. For instance, may be you have poor posture when addressing the ball. Let's say you have "C" posture, the rounded upper back type of posture. Well, this "C" posture can really hurt your ability to make a good shoulder turn on your backswing. This "C" posture could be a result of short clubs or poor instruction. But it may also be a result of some muscular imbalances causing this posture. And then through screening we find out that you're unable to maintain thoracic extension when performing the Overhead Squat Test. This indicates you may have a lat length length issue. So know we know that you may have a lat length issue and part of your exercise program will focus on this. Twelve sessions later, we retest and see if there's been any improvement. That's just one example.

So that's basically my role as a certified Golf Fitness instructor. I will not promise to fix your swing. That's what your golf pro is for. By I will promise to help fix any physical limitations that may be screwing up your swing. Check out www.mytpi.com for more information.

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