
RichRuff Training Exercise of the Week: DB Romanian Deadlift

No, you do not have to be from Romania in order to execute this posterior chain strengthener. Bad joke...I know. But a couple things you must do when performing this exercise are:
  1. Keep a slight flex at the knees on the lowering portion. The days of the "stiff legged" deadlift are gone, unless you really want to trash your spine.
  2. Think about pushing your hips back on the lowering phase in order to really get those glutes and hamstrings involved. You should almost feel like you're going to fall backwards. This is a hip flexion & extension movement. Not a spinal flexion & extension movement.
  3. Main a neutral spine throughout the duration of the exercise. Pull the shoulders down and back and keep the same spine angle.
Take a look, even though the angle from which this video was taken from might make it hard for you to observe those three points.

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