
My Top 5...

...ways to burn calories around the clock and not just during your workout:
  1. Increase your protein intake. The thermic effect of feeding for protein is almost double that of carbohydrates and fat, meaning it requires more energy to break protein down.
  2. Strength Train. Strength training is going to do two things. One, it's hopefully going to add some lean muscle mass which is metabolically active tissue. Fat is not. Two, a hard strength training session can elevate your metabolism for up to 36 hours post workout as your muscles undergo the repair process.
  3. Use high intensity interval training for your "cardio". Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption is more related to intensity of the exercise session than the duration of the session.
  4. Drink some green tea. There are numerous benefits to drinking green tea, one of which is providing a slight boost to your metabolism. Switch out some of your coffee for a cup or two of green tea a day.
  5. Eat breakfast. Get that metabolism jump started first thing in the morning and get it jump started right by including some source of protein.

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