
Where Are You Training and Who are You Training With?

I know I don't push myself hard enough when I'm working out. I don't have a training partner with the same goals and mentality. I want to lift heavy weights and do tons of pull ups and drag the sled now and then. I also know I'll never get to the strength levels I want because of the gym I'm training at. The music is horrible. Celine Dion and Village People tunes are not what I would call motivating music. There is no one in the gym I would dare ask for a spot, because I feel like they would actually hurt me rather than help me. And people look at me like I'm some Neanderthal man because I'm deadlifting and making just a bit of noise. But it's all my fault. I'm not blaming any one else for this except for myself. I choose not to have a training partner because I don't like being on other people's schedules. I choose to workout at this gym because the membership is free for me. I may be be following a pretty ground training program, but the extra motivation is just not there. I don't have a partner or environment to take me to the next level. Again, it's my fault. And you have the same choice.

It's not always about the science of training and the best training program if you're falling short of your capabilities. Not having a training partner or lifting in a gym that is quieter than a funeral home can can really prevent you from progressing. Your gym should not sap you of energy. It should provide you with energy. You should have a training partner or coach to encourage you to finish off the set. If you want to take it to the next level, make the right choice.

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