
RichRuff Training Exercise of the Week: Bodyweight Tabata Intervals

What is a Tabata? Basically a Tabata is four minutes of heart pounding, muscle seizing interval training. The standard Tabata based interval is 20 seconds of all out work followed by 10 seconds of rest. This interval would then be repeated eight times for a total of four minutes of work. That's one Tabata. If you want to add another Tabata in, rest for two minutes after your first one and then add another one in.

What makes Tabata intervals more difficult than other forms of interval training is the negative work to rest ratio. With traditional interval training your rest period will usually be anywhere form 2-4 times longer than your work period. Here, it's the other way around. Your work period is twice as long as your rest period.

In the following video I demonstrate a simple bodyweight Tabata that can be done anywhere. No equipment needed. Just the desire to work.

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