
Exercise of the Week: Dumbbell Floor Press

There are certain times I'll work floor pressing into a training program:

  1. Coming back from a shoulder injury. The limited range of motion caused by the floor places less stress on the shoulders. The next progression from here would be to a slightly declined or flat bench
  2. Having trouble with the lockout phase of the pressing motion. The floor press overloads this phase and hopefully will assist in the full range of motion press.
  3. As a triceps exercise. The limited range of motion is primarily a triceps dominated movement. Far more effective than kickbacks or any other wussy triceps exercise.
  4. As another horizontal pressing variation. Watching some guys in the gym you would think there's only one horizontal pressing exercise, the bench press, when in fact there's many. Adding in some new variations every 3-4 works keeps your training from getting stale and decreases the likelihood of an overuse injury.

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