
Random Thoughts...

...while trying to figure out what is wrong with my fantasy football team.

  • I hated biology in high school. I hated biology in college. And I still hate biology now. Why do I mention this? The initial parts of studying for my Precision Nutrition certification require some reading and knowledge about what goes on at the biological level in regards to nutrition. I just want to get to the part where I find out what materials Twinkies and Ring Dings are made of.
  • The need for a training partner or great training environment is greatly underestimated. I know personally. I will never be as strong as I was when I was in college. Why? It's not because I'm not lifting heavy weights anymore. I still do singles or work up to three rep maxes. But I have no one encouraging me to do more or work harder. It's mentally tough to get through a workout on your own. As Alwyn Cosgrove states, "Psychology trumps physiology every time". Find the right training environment. Get with the right training partner. Watch your results take off.
  • Yes, nutrition can be complex. But for most of us it doesn't have to be. I hear people talking about supplementation, carb cycling, nutrient ratios, etc.. Yet, these same people do not have any of the basic principles in place. Supplementation doesn't matter if the majority of your calories are coming from what could not even be considered "real food". Carb cyling doesn't work if your first meal of the day is not until that Subway sandwich run for your lunch break. A simple way to look at good nutrition comes from Michael Pollan's Food Rules, which I suggest reading, "Eat food. Mostly from plants and animals. Not too much".
  • Speaking of good nutrition, I love hearing peoples views on good nutrition. I hear everything from, "no sweets after 7pm" to "I get my Italian subs on a wheat roll" to "I only consume about 800 calories a day". Good nutrition is more than just eating certain foods or taking in so many calories. Dr. John Berardi has four criteria that good nutrition follows: 1)It controls energy balance 2)Provides nutrient density 3)Achieves health, body composition and performance goals 4)Is honest and outcome based.
  • What is going on with the recent increase in concussions? You hear about it a lot on the professional level, but I'm also hearing it happening on the youth and high school level. And it's not just football. It's all sports. Is what we used to term as getting our bell rung now termed a concussion? I understand the concern, but I do not know if there is a solution. Better equipment? Less equipment? Better screening and diagnosis? A lot of questions need to be looked at.
  • Looking forward to the the Hardstyle Kettlebell workshop, we're hosting this weekend at Accelerated Fitness. RKC certified strength coach Mike Perry is basically going to give us an intro on the right way to use the kettlebell as a training tool. The right way to do the swing, the snatch and the goblet squat. Yeah, they sound like three pretty simple exercises, but there is more to them than you think. One person I would suggest not learning the swing from? America's most popular trainer, Jillian Michaels

That's not what a swing should look like. I don't even what should look like that.

  • One last thing. If you live in the Lexington area and are looking for a quality massage therapist, I highly recommend the staff at Essential Bodywork and Massage.

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