

After spending the night with my friends and their spouses over the weekend, ripping it up pretty good at a wedding Saturday night, a greasy breakfast was in store for the next morning. So the only place really near the hotel is IHOP, International House of Pancakes. You want breakfast anytime of the day, you can get it here. You want lunch for breakfast, this is the place. I haven't been there in awhile, and I do not think I'll be back for awhile. I figured I'd get some type of omelet, my usual order. Then I look at the menu and see that I get 3 pancakes with my omelet. I passed on the pancakes, and I wished I had passed on the omelet. These omelette's were enough to feed a family of five. I could not believe the size. And they want to give me pancakes? Are they just trying to waste food or fatten everybody up? I looked around my table, a couple of healthy conscious people, and no one had put a dent in their breakfasts 15 minutes after they were placed in front of us. But I looked around at the rest of the restaurant and what I saw was an omelet-pancake-french fry-burger eating contest. Remember when mom and dad made you finish everything on your plate at dinner. Well, screw mom and dads dinner orders. Get your portions under control and get yourself healthy, before your next IHOP omelet is your last.

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