
Too Much Change

Some trainers and more trainees have come down with a serious case of Exercise ADD. They're doing different exercises just for the sake of it. They're working in different rep ranges from one workout to the next. Yet, there is no science behind their reasons for changing. The only reason for changing up their routines is that they're bored of doing the same exercises, the same number of sets and the same number of reps. Well I hate to tell you this, but boring works. Changing up exercise routines just because you're bored is going to get you nowhere. There needs to be some constants in your workout. How are you supposed to know what's working and what's not if you're constantly changing routines and exercises. You've just confused the nervous and muscular systems so much, they don't know what to. Does this mean to stay with the same routine forever? No. But give your routine a chance. Change in routines should be planned, not random. Beginners should be giving their routine at least 4-6 weeks, whereas more advanced trainees should have some planned change every 3-4 weeks.

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