
RichRuff Training Product Review: Superbands

I love these things. They are one of my most useful pieces of equipment. When I'm training a client at their house, I have these with me. When I'm at the gym, I have these with me. I use them with out of shape clients. I use them with in shape clients. I use them for my own training. They can be used as a substitution for a piece of equipment. Or they can be added into an exercise to make that exercise more difficult or in the case of the chin up, make it easier Here are some exercises you can do with these bands:

*Terminal Knee Extensions
*Assisted Chin Up
*Band Resisted Push Up
*X Band Walk
*Triceps Pressdown
*Biceps Curl
*Barbell Squat with Bands

And the list goes on and on. To get your Superbands, click on the link below.

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