
It's Not Magic

It must be getting close to beach season. Or shirt off season. I can not tell you how many emails I've gotten from guys in the last four weeks who are looking to "bulk up". And I think just about every one of these guys was between 14-18 years old. They're tired of being scrawny. Or tired of being weak. Or tired of being shot down by every girl they ask out. They all want to be "buff" (if any one ever tells me again they want to be "buff, do not be surprised if i do not respond to your email). And they all think there's some magic solution. Or they think I can give them a couple of exercises or recommend some new supplement and VOILA!! They look like Nick Lachey from his 98 Degrees days. Well, it's going to take more than a few new exercises and and a Met-RX shake. It takes hard work. It takes lifting 3-4 days per week. It takes doing exercises that you hate because they're so exhausting. It takes moving heavy weight. It takes getting rid of your Cocoa Crisp for breakfast. There's no magic to it. You have to work for it.

Think about this. Hard work on a lousy program will always get better results than little or no effort on a great program. Now imagine the results if you worked hard on a great program. The chicks would be chasing you down.

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