

There's a good majority of people out there who begin a training program with fat loss as their number goal. Yet after being on a training program for 8-12 weeks, there's another good majority of these people who have yet to drop any substantial bodyfat or make any progress towards their goal. I see and deal with these people all the time. Their training program is laid out for them. They are told what they should be doing on their off days. They are told what their nutrition has to be like in order to reach these goals.

So when asked if they are following their training program the answer is, "Yes". When asked if they are eating right for fat loss, the answer is "Yes". On the surface, they seem to be telling the truth. But if I dig a little deeper, I'll find that only part of the truth is being told.

They are really not getting the 5 hours per week I recommend. They are getting 2-3 hours. And during these 2-3 hours they are not following the suggested training program or are going through it with a half-hearted effort.

They really are not eating for fat loss. Yes, they're following the dietary guidelines laid out for them but they're only doing it 50% of the time. Instead they should be compliant at least 80% of the time. (And frozen chicken tenders do not count as a lean meat!!).

Not only are these people not being honest with me, they are not being honest with themselves.
And until they start being honest about their nutrition and training program, that bodyfat is not going anywhere. Start being honest and start seeing results.

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