
Finishing It Off

A great way to accelerate the fat burning process is to use a "finisher" at the end of your workout. A "finisher" is basically a high intensity training protocol done for time or for reps. "Finishers" will promote a greater level of blood lactate which is what you want if you're looking to burn fat. Your lungs will be searing. Your legs will be burning. Your arms will feel like they are about to fall off. If you don't want to burn fat, just hop on an elliptical and crusie for 30 minutes or so.

Everything about a finisher should be hard: the exercise selection, the set/rep scheme, the length of the work interval and the length of the rest interval. You'll probably be working for 8-10 minutes tops, but that 8-10 minutes has got to count. All different training tools can be used: dumbbells, kettlebells, body weight, training ropes, dragging sleds, a combination of these pieces or whatever other tool you want to use.

Let me give some examples of my favorite finishers that I've borrowed from different strength coaches and trainers. One word on the finishers I have listed here. There is no rest as you transition from one exercise to the next. When the entire set of exercises is done, drop to the floor, grab a few breaths and get ready for your next set.

20 seconds of squat jumps
20 seconds of squats
20 seconds of squat holds
*Rest for two minutes and repeat

12 Alternating forward lunges on each leg
12 Alternating lunge jumps on each leg
24 squats
24 squat jumps
*Rest for 2 minutes and repeat

DB Complex
6-8 DB Snatches
6-8 DB Push Presses
6-8 DB Renegade Row/ Push Up Hybrid
6-8 DB Burpees
*Rest for 2 minutes and repeat

Body Weight Complex
10 Squat Jumps
10 Plyo Push Ups
10 Alternating Forward Lunges on each leg
10 Mountain Climbers w/each leg
10 Burpees

10 Plyo push ups
10 Squat Jumps
9 Plyo Push Ups
9 Squat Jumps
*Keep working down to 1 of each. Rest for 2 minutes and repeat.

I could devote an entire article to the progression of each finisher, but for the sake of this post I'm going to make it short. You can progress these finishers, which you should be doing, one of three ways:

  1. Make the work period longer by adding a rep or by adding time
  2. Decrease the rest period at the end of each set by 15-30 seconds
  3. Add another set of each finisher

As I said early on, these are just a couple examples. Feel free to experiment on your own. But remember, there must be one critical component of your experiment if you want it be effective: it has to be hard. It has to "finish" you.

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