
Exercise of the Week: Chin Up w/feet Loaded

I really underestimated the difficulty of this exercise. Usually if I'm doing weighted chin ups I will use a dip belt or weight vest for additional load. Mixing it up a bit I thought I would place the load on my feet by hooking my feet through a pair of kettlebells. The amount of weight I could use this way for a set of five reps was about 50% less than using a dip belt. It also left my abs sore for a few days. In order to hold onto those kettlebells you're going to have to go into a position of dorsiflexion which I felt created some real rigidity throughout the body and a tightening of the midsection.

And then I went out and "un-tightened" the mid-section by enjoying a few Guiness on St. Pattys Day.

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