
Exercise of the Week: Half Kneeling Cable Pullover

This is a core stability exercise I stole from strength coach Dean Somerset. In order to to execute you're going to:
  1. Attach a rope to a high pulley and set up in a half kneeling position facing away from the pulley. Once you're in the half kneeling position really focus on contracting the glute on the side of the downside knee. In fact, anytime you're in a half kneeling position focus on locking that glute up, even if you're Tebowing.
  2. Once you get a hold of the rope, lower your arms out in front while keeping them straight the entire time. The only movement should be occurring at the shoulder. You shouldn't be flexing your spine in order to get those arms down in front. If you are, the weight is to heavy and the core stability aspect exercise goes right out the window
  3. Return your arms to the starting position by keeping them straight on the way back and trying not to extend through your spine. If you are extending through the spine the weight is.....too heavy and the core stability aspect goes right out the window.
  4. After about 6-8 reps with one knee down, switch the downside knee and do 6-8 reps with that knee down.
Got it? No? Then took a look at the video below.

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