
10 Habits to Success

In order to get you through the next week or so without eating everything in sight, or if you want to get a head start on your New Year's resolutions, I'm going to provide you with 10 habits to nutritional success. Here are the first five:
  1. Eat every 2-3 hours. This will keep that metabolism stoked and your insulin levels even, preventing you from that enticing food binge.
  2. Eat protein with every feeding. This too helps manage your insulin levels.
  3. Eat vegetables or fruit with every feeding. Are you getting 3-5 servings of fruit and vegetables per day? Probably not.
  4. Most of your carbs should come from fruits and vegetables. The other carbs (rice, pasta, potatoes, etc.) should come after an exercise session only.
  5. Eat healthy fats daily. About 30% of your calorie intake should come from fat. Just avoid eating fat and carbohydrates together.
There's five tips to get you started. I'll follow up with another five tips later in the week. Remember, a lousy diet will defeat a good workout program all the time.

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