
Holiday Survival

The average American puts on 7lbs between Thanksgiving and New Years. I see that stat every year, yet, it still amazes me every year. And what's even more amazing to me is people accepting this stat. They have no problem of putting on that 7lbs of belly jelly. Since when did the holiday season become a time to eat as much and whatever you want and not exercise? Yeah, I know. You have have less time to exercise. You have more parties to go to. Desserts are everywhere. The eggnog tastes so good, especially with a little bit of rum in it. I've seen it all. I've heard it all. Just because Santa Clause has that big belly, doesn't mean you have to. Here are a couple of tips to surviving the holiday season without being mistaken for a relative of the Claus family:
  1. Make time for exercise. It can be a stressful time of year, so what better way to work off that stress than exercise. If you have time to go shopping, you have time to get in 45-60 minutes of exercise three times a week.
  2. Do not go to a party hungry. The chances of you stuffing your pie hole when you're on an empty stomach are pretty good. Have a small bite to eat about an hour or two before the party.
  3. Just because alcohol is a liquid, doesn't mean it does not have calories. A couple of drinks is fine, not 10-15.
  4. Get your normal amount of sleep. Sleep is the body's best restoration tool.
  5. Ask for a healthy gift (sneakers, gym membership, workout clothes, etc.). This will help you get a jump start once the holiday season is over.
Happy and healthy holiday's to everyone.

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