
Too Soft

I wrote a post last week about all these 18 year old guys coming to me and looking for ways to pack on some size and some strength. I stressed that results have to be worked for. They're not going to be handed out and there's no magical solution. The more I thought about, this concept applies to ANY ONE looking for results. As trainers and trainees, sometimes I think we're too soft or too easy on our clients or ourselves. I hear it and see it all the time. Just because you've showed up at the gym you're supposed to get something out of it. Or maybe just because you did a half hour on the treadmill at a turtles pace, you're going to shed some pounds. Or may be you got in a whopping two hours of exercise of the course of the week (Just so you know, there's 168 hours in the week). I'm sorry people, but that is not going to cut it. Just like those skinny 18 year old hormone machines, you have to work to get some results out of your training program. Just because you showed up, followed your program and moved a few weights around is not enough. Why don't you have to work as hard as that 18 year old if you both want results? Because you're old? Poor excuse. Everyone has their limits and and different level of what may be hard. Find yours and get there.

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