
What's the Rush?

I see it all the time and it drives me crazy. People are in such a rush to lose weight, lean out or get stronger that they go straight to Point C with out stopping at Point A or B. This particularly frustrates me when I see people doing exercises because they look cool or are different. They do not set a base level. It's like putting up the frame of a house before pouring the foundation. Or putting in the windows before there is a frame. I am not a home builder, but to me there were a couple steps skipped there and it seems pretty illogical. So why then are people standing on Bosu Balls performing an overhead press when they can not even do it standing on solid ground? Why are they doing the BirdDog kneeling on two foam rollers when 50% of people can not even do it correctly on the floor? Why are kids underneath a barbell when they can not even do 10 push ups correctly? Because none of that is cool. None of that is different. The only thing these people are doing is setting themselves up for failure in the long run. Think about setting the foundation first. You have time. The world is not coming to an end tomorrow....I think.

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