
Random Thoughts

Some random thoughts that crossed my mind over the last week or so:
  • Too many people are too weak. And I don't even mean in terms of lifting weights. This goes for bodyweight exercises also. Watch the average person perform a split squat and most likely you'll see their legs buckle.
  • I hate Heineken, but I love Heineken Light. It's my new favorite light beer. Plus it'll save you 10-20 calories per beer compared to some other light beers out there.
  • Why do people think I'm strange just becasue I have no desire to eat dessert. I'd much rather load up on some steak or burgers rather than save room for dessert.
  • I still can't believe how many people still use the Smith Machine.
  • Let's get the football season started now. The Patriots have some redeeming to do.
  • Saying "I have no time to exercise" is the poorest excuse I hear. If your healthy is a priority, you will find 3-5 hours/week to exercise. That's 2-3% of your week.
  • If you can read a magazine while walking on the treadmill, you're not working hard enough. What's worse, I even once saw a guy reading a newspaper, walking backwards on the treadmill at an 8% incline. That image will never leave my head.
  • How can people not eat breakfast in the morning? I know when I wake up in the morning, it's the first thing that crosses my mind.
  • A-Rod makes me sick. A-Rod and Madonna together make me violently ill.
  • Too many people continue to drink soda. Not diet soda. Regular soda. The stuff is liquid crack and will wreak havoc on your body composition. Diet soda isn't much better.
  • I feel really old now that I'm 32. But I'd also like to think I'm a bit wiser...may be.

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