
RichRuff Training Exercise of the Week: Low Box TKE

A couple of posts back, I mentioned that a good way to keep your knees healthy is to perform terminal knee extensions (TKE). This video is going to show you how to perform it using a low box. If you're really having knee issues, I'd suggest performing 2-3 sets of 20-25 reps in order to get that VMO really firing. And you should also really feel that glute medius working as a hip stabilizer. I suggest a higher number of reps since the range of motion here is relatively small.

You may not be able to tell from the video, but one coaching cue thatI'll use with most clients is "heel touch". Touching down with the heel, as opposed to the toes, of the non-working leg will prevent you from pushing of with that leg, there by placing more tension on the working leg. Got it? Take a look:

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