
How'd That Happen?

I actually amazed myself in the gym today. Probably for the first time and quite possibly the last. I didn't have much time to get in a a workout so I put a brief upper body workout today.
  1. Chin ups: 3 sets of as many reps as possible
  2. DB Row: 2 sets of 10
  3. Suspended Push Ups: 2 sets of as many reps as possible
  4. Knee on Elbow DB External Rotation: 2 sets of 12
Not impressive, but I didn't have much time and just felt like I needed to get a workout in. So after about 5 minutes of some foam roller work and another 5 minutes of a dynamic warm up for the upper body, I hop up to the chin up bar and do something I haven't done in years. In fact, I don't know if I've ever done it. I knocked out 15 chin ups on my first set. "Who cares?", I'm sure most of you are saying. But this is important to me for a few reasons:
  1. Like I said before i don't think I've ever gotten 15 chin ups in one set. I'm a fast twitch guy and as soon as my reps go over 10 or so, my performance just crashes.
  2. With the exception of doing 4 sets of 5 reps of weighted chin ups one day last week, I haven't done a chin up in the last 12 weeks or so. All of my back or pulling work has consisted of mostly rows or any other type of horizontal pulling work.
So I'm left trying to figure out what happened today. One, I think my bodyfat percentage has gone done over the summer by doing more track work. Less fat to pull equals better performance. Two, I think all the rowing work I've done has helped tremendously with my chin up performance. So there are ways to improve performance in one lift by improving performance in other lifts. Third, since I've been doing more deadlifting and rowing than I've ever done before, I think my grip strength and endurance has improved leading to a better performance with my chin ups. The grip is usually the first thing to go with a higher rep set.

16-18 chin ups next week?

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