
RichRuff Training Product Review: Foam Rollers

Don't have a foam roller? Get one if you want to have a good chance of remaining injury free. You can do all the stretching in the world and that's great. But stretching is not going to get rid of the trigger points or adhesion's that may be created from training. You don't have to get hurt in order to develop a trigger point. If you've been training for a period of time, trigger points will just naturally build up. The more trigger points you have, the greater the chance an injury is going to happen. I'll try to get most of my clients to perform about 5 minutes of foam rolling before each session. Some of them have such restrictions through soft tissues, that they need to perform some rolling prior to a workout in order to correctly perform some movements.

Now if you want to go get a deep tissue massage or some Active Release Technique done in order to get rid of these trigger points, you might be better off. But how many of us can get get a massage a couple of times per week? I hardly know anyone that goes for a massage once per week. This is where the foam roller comes into play. It's basically a poor man's massage. A foam roller is probably going to run you no more than $20. And if you purchase the one foot round roller, you can stuff it in your gym bag or take it just about anywhere. $20 is not a bad long term investment in your health.

Visit Perform Better Training Zones for the best ideas in equipment and training for functional training, full body training, and rehabilitation.

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