
My Top 5....

....reasons why you should be incorporating a deadlift variation into your leg routine.
  1. Posterior chain (hamstrings, glutes, lower back) Development. No exercise targets the posterior chain better than the deadlift. Posterior chain development and strength is a must for everyone, whether you're a weekend warrior or competitive athlete.
  2. Grip Training. Performing multiple sets of deadlifting will really tax your grip strength and endurance, a weak link in most novice lifters. Plus you'll have a good looking set of forearms.
  3. Upper Back Work. Yes, the deadlift is classified as a lower body movement. But your upper back is performing a ton of work also as your shoulders are staying in a retracted position for the entire set, when done right.
  4. Functionality. Can you think of a more functional lift than the deadlift or an exercise that applies to more real life situations? We really don't squat to pick something up, we deadlift it. The load is usually out in front, just like a deadlift, not up on our shoulders like a squat.
  5. Bang for Your Buck. It targets your legs, your upper back, your grip. There are too many joints involved to even name. When people list "lack of time" as the number excuse as to why they're not exercising, it's important to include those multi-joint movements throughout a workout program.
You don't need to be a musclehead to deadlift. It's a primal movement pattern that we first developed when learning to stand or walk. Plus, there are plenty of different variations that can apply to certain situations or individuals.

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