
My Top Five....

... things I over heard at the gym this week that just make me shake my head.
  1. "I'm doing a toning workout today". This coming from a guy who weighs about 240 lbs.
  2. "You shouldn't do hamstring exercises. It's makes them tighter". This coming from a trainer. Must be why I see so few people at this gym doing any type of hamstring or posterior chain work.
  3. "I've been out on workers comp with a rotor cuff injury". This coming from the guy who then goes and does a "drop" set of about 200 crunches on the ab crunch machine and follows that up with some ugly looking overhead dumbbell presses. And it's not a "rotor cuff". It's a "rotator cuff". It's located within your shoulder, not part of an electric motor.
  4. "Use side bends to shape your love handles". This coming from one overweight friend to another. How about dropping the carbs to near normal levels and getting in some high intensity interval training first?
  5. "AAAHHHHH......". This coming from the guy who was bench pressing...the bar. No weight on it. All 45lbs of the bar. No need to bring any attenion to yourself when every lady in the gym can out bench press you.

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