
Get a Grip

How many times have you ended a set of chin-ups prematurely because you could no longer hold on to the bar? You feel like you're hanging on for dear life with your fingertips. Or may be the same thing has happened when doing deadlifts. Your grip becomes the limiting factor. Yet most training programs ignore the importance of grip strength and endurance. Not only will it help with lifts such as chin-ups and deadlifts, it will help with sport performance and with everyday activities. And for you weak college freshman, it will help you lug that keg up three flights of stairs. Grip strength can be trained in a number of ways. Here are some options:
1) Do not use straps. They only serve as a crutch for your weak grip.
2)Fatten up the bar. Some gyms may have fat bars. If not, you can fatten up the grip yourself by using a towel or a great training implement called Lynx Grips.
3)Work on isometric grip strength at the end of your workout out. Some suggestions are: bar hangs, weighted bar holds, hex dumbbell holds and plate pinches. Hold for as long as you can, rest for two minutes, then perform another set.
You're only as strong as your weakest link, or in this case your weak grip.

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