
Tiger Power

Remember when golfers were afraid to lift weights because they thought it would make them all big and bulky and they would no longer be flexible. They thought their swing would go to hell and they'd be posting scores in the 100's (I'll take a 100 any day). Well, has anyone seen Tiger Woods physique lately. I've heard he works out regularly, but not until I saw him at the British Open a couple of months back did I realize how hard he must be working in the weight room. Then I saw him this past week at the PGA Championship. Same thing. Here's a guy who's the best golfer in the world, may be of all time. It sure doesn't look like lifting weights has hindered his game. In fact, he has put on 30lbs from the time he turned pro and is stronger than he's even been.
I remember when Annika Sorenstam was dominating the LPGA a few years back. There were stories about her strength routines that would make most guys look silly. This added strength didn't seem to bother her game.
Now do you want to take your game to the next level? Do you want to stay injury free over the course of a season? Do you want to be able to finish a round without feeling completely exhausted? It's not just about going to the driving range and hitting a bucket of balls. It's also about getting into the gym, getting on a well designed program and improving your strength and flexibility levels. Golf isn't just an outdoor game.

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