
Tales from the Gym

I'm usually not one to bust on people, but in this industry there is a lot of it. If I do not believe in other trainer's concepts, most likely I'm going to get ripped for it. I see a lot things done in the gym by other trainers and I just keep my mouth shut. But sometimes I have to vent. And I have to vent when someone else tells me what I should be doing and what works.
I went to the gym this morning for a little upper body workout. My goal was to be in and out of the gym in one hour, give or take 10-15 minutes. I had my routine already made up. I knew what I was going to do. I knew how hard I was going to train. So after loosening up my upper body and getting it ready for my routine here's what I did:
A)Bench Press: warm-up for of 5,3,3,2, 1 reps , then 3 sets of 3 reps with about 3min. of rest between sets.
B1)Close Grip Low Row: 4 sets of 8 reps, 2 min rest
B2)DB Incline Press: 3 sets of 10 reps, 2min rest
C1)Standing Plate Raise: 2 sets of 12 reps, 1 min rest
C2)Seated DB Cuban Press: 2 sets of 12 reps, 1 min rest
D)Hanging Leg Raise: 3 sets of 5 reps, 2 min rest
So that's it. Your average upper body workout. Got some chest, back, shoulders, external rotation and abdominal work in. 17 sets in about 65 minutes, including warm up. Yeah, I know. Who cares? Where am I going with this. Well, this is about the guy who was yapping in my ear the whole time about his biceps routine. I showed up, he was already there. I left, he was still there. I saw him do preacher curls, standing Db curls, seated DB curls, seated cable curls, some funky version of a concentration curl and I think that's it. Five bicep exercises in the 65 minutes I had been there. And who knows what he was doing before and after I was there. If I had to guess it might be... BICEPS!!! And it wasn't just the insane training that I saw. He was telling me about his forearm training and telling me what muscles I was working, all the while wearing his lifting belt that was at least 30 years old!! A lifting belt for biceps!!! And if he wasn't telling me, he was telling someone else. And these people buy his crap, because he looks like he's in pretty good shape. And you know what else? He's about 60 years old, at least!!!
W here am I going with this? I really don't know. May be it's about the efficiency of your training routine. May be it's about not believing every word that's coming out of the local gym rat's mouth. And if I"m offending any one out there who follows the same type of routine, I'm not sorry. Unless, your goal is to be the next Mr. or Mrs. Revere Beach, there is no need for this type of absurd training. It's not as much about the quantity of your training as it is the quality. Get to the gym with your workout already planned. Choose 1-3 compound lifts and 1-2 accessory lifts and throw in some core work. Limit the chit chatting. Train with some sort of intensity and get out.

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