
RichRuff Training Exercise of the Week: ITB Foam Roll

The benefits of working with the foam roller or self myofascial release are always being talked about. Read Runners World and working with a foam roller will be advised for recovery. Talk to a physical therapist and self myofascial release is advised for rehab purposes. And just about every gym I go into now has a couple of foam rollers lying around. But not many people are taking this advice or using these rollers. And I do not know why. Well, I guess I do know why. One, it's going to be uncomfortable. Especially if there's a large amount of trigger point or adhesion build up. Two, people are too lazy to spend 5-10 minutes on work that it not going to give them a six pack or tight glutes. Three, people just do not know how to use this $15 tool.
There are a number of areas the foam roller can get at. One of the most effective foam roller movements is rolling of the Iliotibial Band. This band of tissue is usually extremely tight and has a a bunch of adhesion build up. It's essential to work on this band of tissue if you're having any type of knee or hip issue. A picture of it being done is below.

A couple of points:
1) Roll the IT Band about 8-10 times in each direction from hip to knee.
2) I'd suggest doing this before any type of lower body workout.
3) Be diligent with it. One session of rolling the IT band is not going to get it done.
4) If you want to increase the pressure, stack both legs.
It's not going to tickle. It's not going to feel good. But it is going to help.

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