
"....Squats and Lunges are Bad for the Knees."

"I heard that squats and lunges are bad for the knees." This was part of a question I received today on the website Allexperts.com. The question was about whether squats or lunges are better for leg development, but aren't they both bad for the knees? So I asked back, "Where did you hear this from? Do you have any evidence or research to support this?". I can not believe this myth still exists. A lot of things can be bad for the knees. If I slugged your kneecap with a sledgehammer, wouldn't that be bad for your knees? But a lot of things can be good for your knees, such as squats and lunges, when they are applied to a training program correctly. Another thing, watch people move throughout the course of a day or during a game. You will probably see alot of squat and lunge type patterns. So why is that garbage quote still out there? When someone can find some research, please let me know.

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