
RichRuff Training Exercise of the Week: Low Cable Pull Through

You're sure to get a couple of stares from people if you add this exercise into your arsenal. But I hope you do add this exercise in because it's great for a couple of reasons:
  1. It hits the posterior chain (hamstrings, glutes and lower back). Nothing looks better than a nice posterior chain, right? Plus posterior chain strength and development is a is must for any type of performance and maintaining low back and knee health.
  2. This a great exercise to use a in order to teach someone how to deadlift correctly. Proper deadlifitng should be about driving the force through your heels and powerful hip extension. The way load is set up, behind you, with this exercise will re-enforce these movement patterns.
In order to perform, just find a triceps rope and attach it to a low pulley. Straddle the rope. Grab the rope so that it is between your legs and take a couple steps out away from the pulley. Starting tall, flex your hips and get your butt back. Allow a bit of bend in the knees. Keep a neutral spine and allow your hands to come back through your legs. You should almost feel like you're going to fall backwards in the bottom position. From here, keeping that neutral spine, extend your hips and forcefully squeeze those glutes to get back to that tall position.

A great exercise that a lot of people don't know about.

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