
Why Wait?

I should have written this post a couple of weeks ago, but hopefully it's not to late. Why do people wait until New Years to carry out their resolutions? Why wait until January 1 to start out on your weight loss or health and fitness goals? Why not start now and get a head start out on it. Even better, you counter act all that damage you're about to do to your waistline by downing quarts of egg nog and plates of gingerbread cookies in one sitting. You'll probably tell me you don't have time. Poor excuse. If your health is a priority you have time. If you're serious about your weight loss goals, you have time. I am not asking you to get in 6-8 hours a week. I'm asking you to get in 2-3. That's about 2% of your week!! If you're not serious about losing weight three weeks before New Years, I find it hard to believe you're going to be serious about losing weight when New Years strikes. Get started now. If you can get through the next couple of weeks by not drowning yourself in mixed drinks, not have to roll yourself out of the holiday Christmas party and get a couple of hours of exercise in each week leading up to new years, then I'll know you're serious.

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