
Let Me Rant

Sorry if I sound like an old, grumpy man with this post. But it is Monday, so let me get it out of the way now.

Has text messaging eroded people's writing skills? Why is that when people email me with questions, usually about exercise and fitness, that they feel like they can just spell words incorrectly, abbreviate other words, use run on sentences, not capitalize anything and basically write like a five year old? Yet, I'm supposed to answer these questions with correct grammar, use spell check and communicate clearly. This so frustrating to me. If you want me to take the time to answer your questions, please take an extra 2-3 minutes to double check your email. Otherwise I'm not going to take you seriously. I do not know much about grammar, but I know the word "cuz" is not in the dictionary.

Thank you for letting me get that out of the way. Have a great week.

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